Volume VI, Number 1 | March 2022

Peroneus Quartus Muscle Causing Lateral Ankle Pain in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report

1Seymour J, 2Andrisevic E
1MountainView Regional Medical Center, Las Cruces, NM, USA; 2Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix , AZ, USA

We present the rare case of a 9-year-old active female who was referred to our hospital with a two-year history of right focal posterolateral ankle pain despite aggressive nonoperative treatment. Her retromalleolar pain was consistent with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which showed an accessory peroneal muscle/tendon. This complex was identified as an accessory peroneus quartus. MRI also revealed low-lying attenuation of the peroneus brevis muscle just distal to the lateral malleolus as well as slight convex anatomy of the distal posterior fibular epiphyses. We performed resection of the accessory peroneus quartus, resection of the low-lying peroneus brevis muscle, and performed a retromalleolar groove deepening distal to the physes all to decrease overstuffing pain. This resolved the patient’s symptoms completely and allowed her to return to sports after rehabilitation.

Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics

Steven J. Heithoff, DO, FAOAO

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Authors in This Edition

J. Michael Anderson BS, OMS IV
Rigel Bacani BA, BS, OMS II
David Beckett OMS I
Bhakti Chavan MBBS, MPH
Jake Checketts DO
Grant Chudik OMS II
Adam Dann
Marc Davidson MD
Clinton J. Devin MD
Jeffrey Dulik DO
Bryan Dunford BS, OMS II
Diego Galindo DO
Gregory Galvin DO
Curtis Goltz DO

Jordan Grilliot DO
Brian Handal
Safet Hatic
Scott Dean Hodges DO
David Houserman DO
Jenna Jarrell MS IV
Michael Jones DO
Anthony Kamson DO
Tyler Metcalf MS IV
Anna Elisa Muzio DO
Cesar Cornejo Ochoa OMS I
Brandi Palmer MS
Joseph Patrick
David Phillips DO

Jonathan Phillips MD
Kornelis Poelstra MD
Jesse Raszewski DO, MS
Katherine Sage DO
Steven Santanello DO, FAOAO
Jared Scott DO
Julieanne Sees
James Seymour DO
Jonathan Schneider DO
John Alex Sielatycki MD
Benjamin Taylor MD, FAAOS
Trevor Torgerson BS, OMS IV
Phong Truong DO
Matt Vassar PhD